April 12, 2010

If your sales are not keeping up with plan: If phone calls to your sales team have slowed to glacial speed: If your customers seem to run for the exits when they see you coming; you might be suffering from Slow Sales Syndrome (SSS). SSS is a common condition that with medication and counseling can be overcome. The solution to SSS includes purchasing two tickets to the GNEMSDC Gala and preparing to bring your A game to the event. Results are often immediate. Call the GNEMSDC for more details on SSS and tickets to the Gala. In rare cases side effects have been reported, including frequent trips to the bank to make large deposits, desire to drive fast in 2 seater convertible sports cars, feelings of invincibility and giddiness, a desire to kiss and shake the hands of perfect strangers, and over stimulation which can last more than 4 hours. If you experience any of these symptoms call your doctor or the GNEMSDC immediately. You do not have to suffer with SSS in silence. There is a solution to SSS.

he Great Lakes, the Front Range (Rocky Mountains), the Arizona Sun Corridor, Southern California, Northern California, and the Pacific Cascades. These megaregions will, in the view of forecasters, be where the economic, cultural and political action is likely to be centered. Most of these megaregions will also be majority minority. The project is looking at the transportation, energy, and infrastructure needs of these megaregions and how they connect to each other. There are already signs of cohesion within several of these areas as political boundaries break down because of technology and improved infrastructure. While much of what we do is going virtual, we will still need to live somewhere in a community. These communities will get larger and our antiquated political systems will most likely lag these developments. But our businesses cannot afford to be behind the demographic and structural changes that are inexorably taking place as we speak long before we get to America 2050. Are you ready for change?

ndFragment--> rements, by acquisition, merger or through joint ventures. And, for corporations to educate their large suppliers to also participate by increasing opportunities for MBEs. Only by doing these things can we bring corporate members' actions closer to their ideals. I have a couch in my office and welcome new patients.