July 2, 2012

The mission of the Greater New England Minority Supplier Development Council is to significantly increase business relationships between our corporate members and our certified MBEs.  We believe that minority business development is a key component of reducing poverty, unemployment, increasing wealth, and integrating American society.  You are receiving this email in order to keep you abreast of developments with the Greater New England Minority Supplier Development Council, Supplier Diversity Issues and Minority Business Development.  If you like what you read please share internally and externally. 

Golf Alert!  GNEMSDC CT Supplier Golf Classic - July 13   
golfThe GNEMSDC Supplier Diversity Golf Classic is coming to Lyman Orchards Golf Club on Friday, July 13.    We are asking for sponsors to provide us with the names of their guests by June 25. Due to the limited space, we will not be able to hold your slots if you do not send your names to the office by June 25. One of the main attractions of this event is getting MBEs and Corporate members together. 

Please note, we are moving the tee time of the event from 8:30 AM to 7:30 AM.  Breakfast will start at 7:00 AM.  This way we will get in without spending too much time out in the hot mid-day July sun.  We also have arranged for very reasonable over night rates at a hotel close to Lyman Orchards ($85/night on Thursday, July 12) if you are interested in coming in the night before.  Please call the office for details regarding the hotel. 

We spend a lot of time trying to connect MBEs with corporate members.  Golf is a great connector.  My recommendation to any MBE who wants to spend some quality time with a corporate buyer is to invite him or her out for a morning of golf at this event.   It is not that you would or you should spend 4 hours talking to them about your business.  It won't take that long for you both to determine if there is a fit or an interest.  But in the very least you would have made a business friend who can be enormously helpful in the future.  Do you have something better to do than to spend 4 hours with a prospective customer that can turn a normal year into a great year?  If not, invite a corporate member to spend some time to play.  They can only say no, and even if they say no, you have reached out to them in a meaningful way.  This is a truly no lose situation!

We have made arrangement with the Four Points Sheraton in Meriden, CT for a one night special for Thursday, July 12 for the amazing price of $85.00.  There  are a limited number of rooms available at this rate so call them today, 203-238-3172 and mention GNEMSDC Golf. 

Golf Sponsorship Opportunities

There are still opportunities for corporate members and MBEs to support and sponsor the July 13 Supplier Diversity Golf Classic at Lyman Orchards.  This is the largest non-profit golf outing in CT.  Corporations and MBEs can buy Sponsor Tents (10x10) for $1,000.00.  We are also seeking sponsors for the beverage carts at  $500.00 per cart, Scorecard Sponsors for $1,000.00.  All of these are excellent ways for your company or MBE to reach a large number of potential customers and suppliers.   And if you are feeling particularly charitable, your company can sponsor the Luncheon for $2,500.00.  Thank you for your support.

Upcoming Events
There are several events coming up on our calendar that are designed specifically for MBEs to learn about corporate opportunities.  In order to help you organize your own calendars and keep things straight, we have begin sending out invitations using Constant Contact.  This way we can include directions, agendas, share with you who else is attending and allow you to register.  If it seems like we are busy, it is because we are.  As I like to tell people, business is a contact sport.  We know how busy everyone's schedule is, but these are events often hosted by our corporate members with the expressed purpose of finding out more about you and your business with the ultimate aim, to make you a valuable supplier to their companies.  Here are some events you should consider:

Calling All Super Corporate Members - It is Time to Sign Up for Trade Expo Showcases
expoFor the past couple of weeks we have asked Super MBEs to register to showcase their businesses at the GNEMSDC Trade Expo.  Now it is time for Corporate Members interested in showcaing their businesses to sign up to do the same.  We are looking for at least 40 corporate members to make 20-30 minute presentations at the Expo.  This event will take place on Thursday, September 13.  Please send an email to me fmckinney@gnemsdc.org if you are interested in doing a showcase or have any questions on this very productive program.   We want to have at least 40 corporate members doing these showcases. For corporate members, this is an extremely efficient way to meet high quality MBEs and get some  important information in their hands.

Registration for the Trade Expo, September 12-14 will open July 8.

NMSDC Success Story - 
Chrysler Group LLC and Flex-N-Gate Corporation

Flex-N-Gate, founded by Shahid Khan, has been producing high-quality products and systems for the automotive industry for more than 30 years.  Starting with servicing after-market needs to developing expertise as a strong Tier 1 supplier in the OEM business sector, Flex-N-Gate has been able to expand into a global supplier.  Flex-N-Gate provides customers a comprehensive solution using product engineering, project management, testing, stamping, molding, plating, assembly and shipping. 

In 1978, Flex-N-Gate and Chrysler formed a bond by way of a special Port Installed Bumbper contract for the Dodge-D50.  Flex-N-Gate was able to cultivate this partnership over the next several years through proven performance and stability.  The results of the firm's strong work ethic and dedication to excellence and continuous improvement were rewarded with the production business for the Dodge Ram bumper in 1994.

Today, the partnership remains strong and Flex-N-Gate is using its global footprit to help reinforce the goals it shares with clients like Chrysler.  Currently, Chrysler represents approximately 30 percent of its overall business. 

Flex-N-Gat has grown its business over the past 30 years by having hands-on involvement of the top leadership and putting the right people in place to create stable quality and volume controls.  The firm has succeeded by focusing on continuous improvement and cost reduction.

Currently, Flex-N-Gate plant locations span six countries in close proximity to clients' assembly plants.  Its 50 integrated manufacturing facilities offer multiple processes for diverse range of material.

Remaing focused on growing its OEM business, Flex-N-Gate's expansion has been both organi and by acquisition.  It has a proven track record of acquirring financially distressed companies and making positive, dramatic, turnarounds dating back 12 years.

Moving forward, Flex-N-Gate is focused on growing its global presence to offer greater access to its customers' manufacturing locations.  The company also has plans to expand its product mix and build its core processes to offer modular solutions to the increasingly complex automotive manufacturing market. 

This story was one of the many success stories featured in the 40th Anniversary NMSDC Awards Gala booklet.   


Opportunities at Bridgeport Housing Authority

The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport

 Energy Performance Contract (EPC)
Owner's Representative
Request for Proposal (RFP)

Solicitation Number:  018-PD-12-S
Date: June 24, 2012

The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport (BHA) is seeking a qualified firm or individual to serve as the Authority's Owner's Representative to provide technical assistance in the measurement and verification of the savings in accordance with our energy performance contract with Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.  

All proposals are to be submitted no later than 4:30 p.m., Thursday, July26, 2012 to the attention of Mr. Eugene Sumter, Chief Procurement Officer, 150 Highland Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604.   Late proposals will not be accepted.

A non-mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference is scheduled for Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 10 a.m. at 301 Bostwick Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06605, Conference Room.  Although not mandatory, all interested proposers are strongly encouraged to attend as the conference will offer candidates an opportunity to discuss the RFP requirements with BHA staff. 

A complete set of the RFP documents to include forms of contract will be available after 1 p.m., Tuesday, July 3, 2012 at the Purchasing Department, 361 Bird Street, Bridgeport, CT 06604.  Attention:  Ms. Caroline Sanchez, (203) 337-8820.

NMSDC Purchasing Activity Reports - Due July 20
The NMSDC every year sends out a request to all NMSDC national corporate members for information documenting their spend with certified  MBEs.  The NMSDC asks the 37 Regional Councils like the GNEMSDC to collect similar information from our local corporate members.   The attached document should be completed by our local corporate members and returned to the GNEMSDC to my attention (fmckinney@gnemsdc.org).  The results will be summarized and submitted to the NMSDC.  Individual local corporate member information is not shared with NMSDC, MBEs or anyone.  We appreciate your cooperation.  Knowing how well you are doing helps us continue to improve.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.  Please return your completed Purchasing Activity Report by July 20.   Purchasing Activity Report for Local GNEMSDC Corporate Members

McKinsey Reports - Diversity Pays Off!
 A recent report by the global consulting firm, McKinsey & Company shows that gender and cultural diversity in senior management and on boards of directors is statistically associated with greater financial performance.   The report, "Is There a Payoff From Top-Team Diversity? "  looked at a number of global companies and found that companies in the top quartile of board diversity had returns on equity 53 percent higher than firms in the bottom quartile.  They also found that earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) was 14 percent higher for firms with the most diverse boards compared to less diverse companies. 

According to the report, "The more diverse footprint paid operational dividends as well: at some of these joint ventures' plants, the company discovered highly efficient manufacturing processes, which it absorbed and then disseminated across its own manufacturing base.  Similarly, a leading telecommunications company whose top team hailed from a number of different nations significantly expanded its global network infrastructure and was able to meet ambitious growth targets in emerging markets."

Sometimes it takes reports from firms like McKinsey to verify what we already know to be true.  I believe you will soon see a study that shows conclusively that firms with a more diverse vendor base also outperform firms with a less vendor base.  Maybe I should write that report!

I want to thank David Fortt of Talent Matters for bringing this article to my attention.

Millions in Opportunities at MA Housing

Massachusetts Housing has one of the most successful MBE programs in the region.  The reason for that success is that they are excellent at documenting and distributing information about opportunities for MBEs, and they work very closely with the large construction companies and property managers who often serve as prime contractors and decision makers on projects MA Housing funds.

Please follow the link below and take a look at the millions of dollars of opportunities with MA Housing.   The link list names, telephone numbers and email addresses of the decision makers.  If they do not know you, and you can provide services to MA Housing, this might be just what you are looking for to make this a great summer.

Purchasing Managers Association of Boston

Recently the GNEMSDC joined the Purchasing Managers Association of Boston.  We believe that this relationship with PMAB will enrich our service offerings to the procurement professionals we interact with, deepen our relationships with corporate members, lead to the development of new corporate members, and increase opportunities for MBEs.  The attachment below is an announcement for a continuing education course for procurement professionals on Terms and Conditions.   

And Finally...
Fred in ohio 
Gone Fishing!  To paraphrase rapper Jay-Z, I've got 99 problems and they will all be waiting for me when I return.  So this week I am off to Spain for some R&R in Madrid and Barcelona.  Steven Covey in his popular book the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People talks about sharpening the saw.  In essence, if you use your saw everyday, day after day, sooner or later the saw will become dull and ineffective.  So every now and then you have to take care of the saw.  Every now and then you have to take a break even though you have 99 problems.  With a sharpened saw it will be a much easier task that will done in a way to make everyone proud.  Enjoy your week. 

In your service,

Dr. Fred
Dr Fred QR