· Toyota's 21st Annual Opportunity Exchange | |
Toyota Motor Company is hosting its 21st Annual Opportunity Exchange November 9 and 10 . All certified MBEs are invited to attend this exciting event that has grown to be one of the largest corporate sponsored minority business opportunity events in the country. Toyota does an excellent job requiring it key prime suppliers to attend and to meet with certified MBEs at this two day event. For more information call 859-746-4481 or email, supplierdiversity@tema.toyota.com, and see the flyer below. | |
· GNEMSDC MBE Offers Services to MBEs who Want to Access Indian Market | |
President Obama will be visiting India this year. India's GDP is growing at almost 9 percent a year and millions of new middle class consumers are being created annually. We are fortunate in the GNEMSDC to have MBEs who are connected to this market. Stratoserve LLC offers special services to GNEMSDC members and MBEs. Providing analysis from both sides of the value chain, Stratoserve will help: Access the booming India market by identifying the right agents,distributors or Joint Venture partners in your industry. Due diligence studies for buy-outs also offered. Find the right reliable suppliers from India to service Middle East and African markets. Talk to Dr. Roy at (203) 768 5690 or email subroto.roy@stratoserve.com before his India trip in December. For more information on this opportunity visit Stratoserve's website below. | |
· The Connecticut Development Authority (CDA) Offers $1 Million Per Exporter | |
The CDA because of the assistance of the U.S. Export - Import Bank has a new facility that offers $1 million to CT based companies who are seeking export financing. CDA has a new resource for Connecticut businesses to help expand their reach and succeed in the international marketplace. With "Delegated Authority Lender" status from Ex-Im Bank, CDA will enable companies to fulfill export sales orders, turn export-related inventory and accounts receivable into cash, and expand their overall access to financing. Ex-Im Bank is an export credit agency providing working capital guarantees, export credit insurance, direct loans and loan guarantees to support export sales of U.S. goods and services. In an increasingly global economy, financing is a critical component to international transactions, and CDA's recent approval highlights the jobs supported by export sales. Connecticut's exports totaled over $10.3 billion through August 2010 and include aircraft; spacecraft; industrial machinery; computers; TV and sound equipment; optic, photo, medical or surgical instruments; and agricultural products. As a Community Level Delegated Authority Lender, CDA has the authority to approve loans of up to $1 million per exporter. The benefits of this designation are significant, allowing CDA to expedite the loan process by committing the federal government guarantee without any prior approval from Ex-Im. "CDA's new service builds on our high level of finance expertise and provides more advantages to the state's manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and service companies as they compete internationally," said CDA President Marie O'Brien. "This City-State Partnership - Ex-Im Bank's first in Connecticut - will give us the opportunity to provide many more Connecticut small businesses with the competitive financing tools they need to successfully compete in the global marketplace, and create Connecticut jobs," said Diane Farrell, a Connecticut resident and member of Ex-Im Bank's Board of Directors With the U.S. dollar currently at historic lows, Connecticut products are more competitive than ever to foreign buyers. This new program at CDA will be under the supervision of Mr. John Kearney, a recent addition to CDA's lending team as Vice President and Loan Officer. Mr. Kearney's experience includes over 25 years of international transactions, many with Ex-Im Bank and other federal agencies. "CDA remains committed to helping Connecticut businesses compete and prosper in the global economy," said Kearney For more information on CDA, our programs or our recent partnership with Ex-Im Bank please visit www.ctcda.com, or give us a call at (860) 258-7800. | |
· Opportunity at Bridgeport Housing Authority | |
HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF BRIDGEPORT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) SECURITY GUARD SERVICES Solicitation No: 036-SEC-10-S Solicitation Date: October 31, 2010 The Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport ("HACB") requests proposals from qualified security firms to provide security guard services at various public housing complexes throughout the city of Bridgeport. HACB must receive the Responder's proposal by 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time on Friday, December 3, 2010 at 150 Highland Ave, Bridgeport, CT. 06604 attn: Mr. Eugene Sumter, Chief Contracting Officer, Procurement Department. A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. at 361 Bird Street, Bridgeport CT 06605, during which prospective Responders have an opportunity to ask questions concerning the RFP. HACB strongly recommends that prospective Responders attend this pre-proposal conference. A complete copy of the solicitation including contract documents and all required HUD forms will be available on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 at the Purchasing Department, 361 Bird Street, Bridgeport, CT 06605 or by calling 203-337-8820 attn: Ms. Caroline Sanchez. | |
· Opportunity at Smithsonian Institute - African American Museum | |
Construction Management at Risk Contract (CMc) for the construction of the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE (NMAAHC) Solicitation Number: F11SOL10001 Agency: Smithsonian Institution Office: Office of the Chief Financial Officer Location: Office of Contracting Solicitation Number: F11SOL10001 Notice Type: Presolicitation Synopsis: Added: Oct 27, 2010 1:51 pm The Smithsonian Institution is notifying its intent to solicit for a Construction Management at Risk Contract (CMc) for the construction of the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE (NMAAHC). The proposed contract listed here is UNRESTRICTED For information on this opportunity contact the following: Primary Point of Contact.: Willard Powell, Contract specialist powellwb@si.edu Phone: 202/633-7286 Fax: 202/633-7308 Secondary Point of Contact: Emanuel C. Brown, Supervisory Contract Specialist brownem@si.edu Phone: 202/633-7256 Fax: 202/633-7305 | |
· Presentation on Health Care | |
While in Miami at the NMSDC I prepared a presentation for the Health Care Industry Group (HCIG). (Long before I started working in supplier diversity, I worked as a health economist for the Rand Corporation and the Carter White House.) The HCIG is a group of corporate members from all aspects of the health care industry ranging from insurers to equipment manufacturers to providers and pharmaceuticals. My time to present was abbreviated, but here is the entire Powerpoint that I prepared. | |
· NMSDC Names AT&T Corporation of the Year | |
NMSDC's Corporation of the Year award is the most sought-after honor for major corporations dedicated to improving the overall participation of Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American suppliers. In winning the award, AT&T continues to demonstrate its 41-year commitment to increasing procurement opportunities corporate-wide for minority business enterprises (MBEs). Supplier diversity objectives are among AT&T's core principles. The company not only ties its diversity initiatives to performance and top company metrics, but it also incorporates them in its procurement processes and official methods and procedures. In 2009, the company spent more than $5.1 billion with certified minority suppliers, which represents an 8 percent increase from 2008 - despite a challenging economy. Since spending its first billion with MBEs in 2000, AT&T has met or exceeded that number every year except one, an accomplishment that led to its induction in the Billion Dollar Roundtable. "AT&T's performance in minority supplier development is among the best in corporate America," said NMSDC president Joset B. Wright. "Supplier diversity is firmly embedded in the company's culture and internal processes. Year after year, AT&T demonstrates its support of minority businesses through its procurement activity and participation in educational opportunities for MBEs across the NMSDC network. We are pleased to recognize their commitment to supplier diversity with this award." AT&T is a long-time supporter of NMSDC's Advanced Management Education Program offered in partnership with the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Over the past 10 years, the telecommunications company has provided $200,000 in scholarships, making it possible for many MBEs to attend executive education programs. AT&T has also sponsored MBEs for inclusion in NMSDC's Corporate Plus® program, a designation for minority businesses that have demonstrated success in executing national contracts and have capacity for more. At its banquet, NMSDC also presented awards for individual leadership in Minority Supplier Development, Suppliers of the Year and Regional Council of the Year. | |
· SAI Systems and commVerge Marketing Regional Suppliers of the Year | |
The NMSDC also named two GNEMSDC certified MBEs as Suppliers of the Year. SAI Systems was recognized as the Northern Regional Category 3 Supplier of the Year and commVerge Marketing was named as the Northern Category 1 Supplier of the Year. Congratulations to both MBEs, we are extremely proud of your accomplishments and recognitions. "SAI Systems International, Inc. (SAI Systems) is a Technology Consulting Services and Solutions Company, based in Shelton CT. SAI Systems specializes in the rapid and cost-effective delivery of a comprehensive array of information technology consulting services and products for different industry sectors. Our strategic relationships and alliances with market-leading companies further strengthen our ability to harness leading-edge technologies to create valuable solutions for our clients." " Who We Are commVerge Marketing concentrates on expanding your company's market visibility. Our consulting and digital marketing services are delivered to get you to be "top of mind" with your customers, prospects and partners. Accomplishing this means having a consistent presence and valuable message that is woven throughout all of your marketing efforts. Whether you are broadening market reach, focusing on lead generation or sharpening your industry vision, we provide insight on the true business needs that motivate the adoption of your products and services." | |
· GNEMSDC Calendar of Events and Activities | |
Please Mark Your Calendars for the following events, seminars and activities. I hope you can join us for these events that are designed to move your companies forward.
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· And Finally, | |
The bill for this year's campaign will by most estimates surpass $4 billion. To put this in some perspective, this is equivalent to 4,000 one million dollar contracts, or sending 2,000 students to Harvard for four years. This year's biggest spender by far is Meg Whitman of e-Bay who will spend over $140 million in what the polls say is a losing effort. Here in Connecticut, Linda McMahon will spend over $50 million of her own money in what also looks like an losing effort. In retrospect, both women might have been better off using that money to buy Senators votes, who too frequently are willing to sell their power for a few shekels. But I believe it is time to start a national conversation about ending this madness by extending terms and reducing the frequency of these costly and noxious distractions. How about having the President elected every 8 years, Senators every 10 years and Congressmen every 6 years; each with limited to one term. Knowing that they would be in office for only one term, might force politicians to practice a more effective form of politics for the benefit of those they supposedly represent. But despite my sometimes cynical view of politics, I am the firmest believer of the importance of voting and political participation. Voting is a right and a privilege of citizenship. Please vote and encourage your colleagues, employees, neighbors and friends to vote as well. It makes a difference, remember what the alternative is. In your service Dr. Fred | |
What Can Corporate Members Do for MBEs with Annual Sales Under $1 Million?
One of the most perplexing and challenging issues facing the network of MBEs and corporate members of the NMSDC and one that I personally spend much time thinking about is how can large global companies support the development of very small B to B certified MBEs? First it is important to recognize that not all Category 1 MBEs are equal. (Category 1 MBEs are MBEs with sales under $1 million.) Some Category 1 MBEs are like a rocket going through a necessary layer of their natural business development only to peak at sales far beyond the limits of $1 million in annual sales. Other Category 1 MBEs are likely to peak far below $1 million in annual sales before finally going out of business or being taken over. This is not intended to sound too harsh. All businesses, including Fortune 100 businesses will eventually die of technological obsolescence, mismanagement or become the victims of competitive forces.
Category 1 MBEs whose entrepreneurs envision an enterprise that grows and is sustainable at sales levels that rival corporate members have needs that from those of Category 1 MBEs whose life-cycle will force them to peak out below $1 million. Corporate members also must realize that these Category 1 MBEs are different and that they can provide different types of services to each of these types of Category 1 MBEs. The difficulty of course is how does a corporate member decide which Category 1 MBE is a growth MBE and which one is not. Before answering the question of what corporate members can do for small MBEs, this question must be answered first. Based on my observations of over 10 years of knowing and studying the behavior and practices of MBEs in this category let me share the following observations that help me distinguish the two.
First, Category 1 MBEs who are likely to grow beyond $1 million are structured and organized to grow beyond $1 million. These "growth" MBEs have a board of directors that includes independent outside professionals who bring talent, contacts and resources to the growth MBE long before they might be able to fully utilize these resources. MBEs that are likely to peak out before reaching $1 million in sales are likely not to have a board of directors or have a board that is comprised of insiders, or a board that never meets except to rubber stamp the desires of the entrepreneur. I have long promoted the establishment of boards for MBEs, even if they are comprised of other MBEs. Very few have taken me up on this as a serious business development strategy. And just about all of those who did are in a better place today than those who did not.
Secondly, growth MBEs have an attitude that their long-term success is guaranteed. This attitude creates a level of confidence that no matter how many no's they hear from corporate members, there long term strategy is sound and will eventually bring them success. The confidence is not pie-in-sky dreaming, but based on facts and hard market analysis. MBEs in Category 1 who do not share this fact based market confidence "sweat" every defeat as if it were the end of the world. High growth Category 1 MBEs realize that there is a big world of millions of consumers out there waiting to be convinced that what they have to offer is of high quality and is competitively priced and will supported with world class service. If all of these things are true, it is only a matter of time before the cash register starts making noise.
Thirdly, high growth Category 1 MBEs are great marketers and salespersons. This does not mean that they run full page ads in the Wall Street Journal, but why not! It means that growth MBEs know how to communicate to their potential customers and are willing to spend the time, effort and money to execute a marketing strategy. This takes knowing who your real potential customers are. Category 1 MBEs who will peak out under $1 million often do not know who their customers are and consequently do not know how to communicate to them effectively and often over rely on their minority status for access and sales success. I have said it a thousand times, minority certification can be part of a strategy, but cannot be the lead or only strategy for long-term success.
There are other factors which distinguish growth Category 1 MBEs from their non-growth counterparts, but I want to now focus on what corporate members can do for each and how growth and non-growth Category 1 MBEs can achieve success.
For Category 1 MBEs who fall in the non-growth box, there are some outstanding leaders of these businesses who have overcome significant challenges to get where they are today. I want to help them and I believe corporations can help them as well. One way that corporations can help these MBEs, particularly now is for corporate members to identify areas of spend that are small or are one-off in nature so that these spend items simply be allocated to small certified MBEs only. That is right, I said it. Corporate members need to consider setting aside small purchases, perhaps one time buys under $25,000 that should go to certified MBEs in Category 1. These are contracts that from the perspective of Category 1 MBEs are large and sustaining. The Council can help by being a clearing house for these opportunities. Let us help you source these for you. This something that corporate members can do right now to help countless Category 1 MBEs.
For Category 1 MBEs who are just passing through Category 1 on their way to Category 3 or 4, corporate members can assist these MBEs by sharing these small opportunities with them and bringing them into the tent as companies to mentor and eventually strategically partner with. This means that these Category 1 MBEs will get "inside" information about what the plans and opportunities are within that corporate member's operation. Inside information is not a dirty or illegal word. How do you think most Fortune 500 companies got the contracts with their corporate and government clients? They know what is coming before anyone else does, because they are trusted, capable and competitive. Corporations can expedite the development of high growth Category 1 MBEs by giving them a seat at the table, recognizing that these small MBEs have talent and abilities that will assist in the development of both the corporate member and the MBE.
Some of the inside information that corporate members can provide high growth Category 1 MBEs is information on companies that these businesses might acquire or strategically partner with. These are MBEs who the corporate member might include on trade missions in order to meet global suppliers who might become partners with that MBE. Corporate members might allow these high growth Category 1 MBEs to utilize the buying power of that large corporate partner. There are other examples of how corporate members can assist in the rapid growth of these special small MBEs. Some of our corporate members are doing all of the above and more. It is not too difficult for more of our corporate members to follow their lead. The result will be stronger Category 1 MBEs, higher MBE spend and better relationships between corporate members, small MBEs and the Council.
· Office For Rent at GNEMSDC Boston Office | ||
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· Diggs Construction | ||
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